Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well, I have been saying I am going to do this blogging thing for awhile. I follow my friends blog and so enjoy looking and seeing what is going on in her part of the world that I thought I would give this a try!!

Now for the info. Chuck and I live in Crawfordville with our 3 children and 11 pets!! Yes, there are more animals than there are humans in our home!! Sommer is 16, Zach is 12 and Hunter is 10. Chuck has recently started a new job here in Crawfordville so he is now home everyday...what an adjustment this is going to be! I am still involved in PTA at Crawfordville Elementary and I am also going to school at night to get my degree in Education. Needless to say we are forever coming and going in our home.

That is all for right now as I need to make sure the kids are getting bed. MOre to follow. Have a great night!!

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